Before you strap on your shoes in preparation for your next Amor Europe overseas adventure, why not consider having a refresh.
We invite you to come on the RIVER to have a fresh encounter with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit as you immerse yourself deeper in God's incredible love for you.
Having experienced the RIVER personally, you may want to consider, (although there is no obligation to), hosting the RIVER back home amongst your own friends and community.
We long to see the River of God rise in our nation to a level where it can no longer be contained, but overspills to other lands as God's people feel compelled to take the love of Jesus to those living in poverty.
Mission at its best is when it is the overspill of what God has done in us.
About the RIVER
As Jesus came up from the water at his baptism, he emerged to the sound of his Father’s voice speaking words of love and affirmation over him, and to the gentle fluttering of the Holy Spirit who descended on him in the form of a dove.
​The invitation to come deeper into God's river has been extended to us, where we too can have our own personal encounter with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Surrendering to Jesus
Hearing the voice of the Father
Becoming a landing place for the Holy Spirit
Amor Europe RIVER
Fri 9 to Sun 11 May 2025
This weekend retreat is for anyone in the Amor Europe family.. We are particularly keen to encourage those keen to travel overseas with Amor Europe, to book on to the RIVER.
Venue: We will select a location and venue that works best for those attending.
Cost: There will be a cost of £150 to cover food and accommodation. The RIVER itself is free but there will be an opportunity for you to give during the weekend.
Book Now: Sign up today and we will send you full information by the end of March 2025