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& Values

Our Vision

For the next generation to gain the rights that God has freely granted to every human being, to attain the fullness that God intends for them as good citizens eternally.

Our five values underpin and inform everything we do.

They express our total dependence on God, our commitment to justice, our belief in collaboration and partnership and our desire to see lives transformed in the next generation.

Image by Timothy Eberly




  • Spiritual life is the core of our being


  • Our ministry and how it progresses depends entirely on God


  • We profess to know the Living God in three persons and to intentionally develop and strengthen our relationship with God personally and corporately

Image by Melchior Damu




  • Dynamic Humility is much more than words

  • We empower our teams and our partners

  • Wherever power (through things like competence, resource, privilege) is found in Amor Europe we share it


Local Relationships


  • Respectfully is how we choose to behave


  • We seek to develop genuine friendships with church and community leaders wherever we work


  • We serve the local churches that God is building in the places where we are invited to minister

Image by Hannah Busing

Global Partnerships


  • International Collaboration is the dynamic God has called us to

    ​We enable people from one country to serve those in another, for the mutual good of all involved

Image by Quino Al

Transforming Experiences


  • Transformation is natural when the Kingdom of God is active in us​

  • Jesus is transforming people and through them, our world​

  • We gratefully take our place in serving His purposes and expect to see His transformation in and through us 

Our Ethos

Image by Hannah Busing

We are motivated to do this:

to bring people together to make Jesus visible. In all our planning and work, our conversations and relationships, we seek to exhibit Christ-like character and bearing the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit, promoting justice, righteousness, and peace in the communities with whom we connect, bringing Glory to God our loving Heavenly Father.

Image by Quino Al

We are committed as a Christian charity to this:

seeing young people develop mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and socially, to become the very best they can be. In a world troubled by injustice towards children, we empower people to make a wonderful difference. Our vision is about bringing transformation with young people in challenging places, recognising that transformed people transform places.

Our Three

Impact Teams

Do you believe that all children should have the opportunity to develop to their full potential physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and socially?


We have three simple ways to bring your beliefs into action:




Training Excellent Children's Workers.


An outreach children's club, led by fantastic local volunteers, is the basic building block of a church that seeks to grow among the next generation - hundreds of them across a region can bring incredible change to the future of the church.


Across thousands of churches, in scores of countries, there is neither the vision nor the skill to launch and run such vital initiatives. Amor Europe works with churches who care about seeing the next generation become passionate followers of Jesus, and helps those churches bring the change needed - for the long haul.

Liberia April 2017 DAY 2 FINAL-9.jpg



Supplying Water Filters.


We care deeply that too many children get sick and many die; because of drinking dangerously dirty water. This is entirely preventable. We are committed to two ways of getting remarkably effective clean water filters into normal family life in areas where water borne disease is endemic.


  1. Purchasing water filters for deployment by our partners.

  2. Offering clean water justice expeditions where participants personally install filters and deliver training in the homes of families.


In both cases the provision of clean water is made with the offer of living water.




Building Appropriate Homes.


We enable young people and adults to build homes that keep families trapped by poverty together. We construct well-run short-term justice expeditions with a strong spiritual emphasis and an ambitious but achievable goal, that transforms the lives of families in need.


Groups that engage in these ventures become extremely attractive among teenagers in Britain grow dramatically both numerically and spiritually by participating.

Registered office: Cornerstone Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QR, UK       Charity number: 1176567

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